Romania's defense industry remains largely stuck in the past, with outdated factories and obsolete equipment, much of it unchanged since the Ceausescu era. The Romarm report reveals a critical dependence on imported materials and highlights the urgent need for investment to revive the industry and meet modern defense demands.
Let's use our imagination and try to confront one of our greatest historical fears: What if the Russians attacked us now? What forces could Romania rely on, on its own, excluding NATO support, should Russia cross our threshold?
F-16 fighter jets are approaching the military aircraft from both sides. They intercept the plane while sandwiching it between them. From the small round windows of the encircled plane, the missiles with which the jets are equipped under their wings are clearly visible. On one tail unit emblazoned is the Turkish flag, on the other the Romanian national emblem.
"All thanks to you, high authority", the CEO of the Kalyon Group was saying to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in September 2020.
The number of Turkish construction companies building large infrastructure projects in Romania has increased at least fivefold in the last two years. More than 20 percent of the total value of road infrastructure works currently contracted by the Romanian state will go to Turkish companies, very close to the illiberal regime of President Erdogan.